Swiftrooms have been busy installing fantastic features to The Orangery restaurant located next to Phileas Fogg’s.

We believe the highlight of the Orangery Restaurant is most definitely the glass roof that gives the restaurant its name, and we are not just saying that because we installed it. The roof system chosen for the beautiful venue was the Ultraframe Classic Roof System. Designed with performance and aesthetics in mind, it is the perfect roof system for any project, restaurant or extension on a home.

For the windows of The Orangery, the decision to use the Deceuninck Heritage window system was the logical choice. We think the Heritage system looks great in any surroundings, but with the fantastic Montgomerie Golf Club as the view they frame, their subtle charm and elegance transform the building like no other.

Plus with a range of different colours and customisation options available. You can easily personalise the Deceuninck Heritage windows so that they seamlessly integrate into any property style and aesthetic. We at Swiftrooms believe the unique and unrivalled aesthetic of the Deceuninck Heritage windows make them the most attractive range of windows currently on the market.